I am a wildlife Biologist from Mexico with an earned Ph.D. in Tourism from JCU
Australia. I have coauthored publications in tourism-related international journals
including peer-reviewed papers, one book chapter, and international conference papers
and presentations. I have also gained teaching experience from James Cook University
in Cairns, Australia as I was hired for a 6-months tenure track as a teacher for
undergraduate students of the School of Business.
Since my return to Mexico in 2013, I have been leading an ongoing programme to
train tour guides in Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum on behalf the NGO
Razonatura, which I co-founded 12 years ago. This training programme is registered
before the Mexican standards and allow tour guides to get officially certified with a
license granted by the Ministry of Tourism. To date, this project has benefited more
than five hundred of national and international tour guides in Mexico, including new
generations of tour guides and also certified guides who have been updated with this
programme. Another project I am leading is an eco-friendly tour in Mexico City using
a bicycle network developed by Mexico City government.
I like outdoor sports, meeting new people and share what I like with them. I am a
certified tour guide in Mexico with 15 years of experience and of the jobs I am able to
perform, this is probably one of my favorite ones. One of my latest achievements was
to form a cooperative of national and international certified tour guides in Mexico
which goes by the name of Colegio de Guías.
NOMS Guía de turismo:
Guías especializados NOM-09-TUR-2002: (No. Credencial : 001451
y fecha de vencimiento 2020-05-25)
Guías Generales NOM-08-TUR-2002: ( No. Credencial : 02162
y fecha de vencimiento 2021-06-15
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