My name is Joanna Flores Martínez, I am 37 years old, I am Mexican and
originally from the state of Puebla. Since 2007 I moved to the city of Playa del
Carmen. I studied Tourism Administration and I have a Master degree in Tourism
Management and Consulting, I am currently a teacher in the area of Tourism in a
university, certified nature guide and I am part of a local project that promotes
ecotourism in the incredible state of Quintana Roo.
I have worked in the tourism industry for 12 years and I am a lover of nature tourism
and the cultural expressions that our indigenous peoples have in Mexico.
I love living in a country full of wonderful places and that’s why I love to design tourist
routes and circuits always with the purpose of practicing responsible tourism in every
activity that takes place.
NOMS Guía de turismo:
Guías especializados NOM-09-TUR-2002: (No. Credencial E002723 y fecha de
vencimiento 11/03/2023)